My one and only cute Mr. Cade is 2 years and 4 months old! Boy do I sure love this kid! I don't do updates on him every month now that he is older but I will every so often to keep track of all the cute things he is saying and doing! I sure love him so much! He has been my buddy while dad is gone all the time at work. He loves to explore outside and find bugs. he loves to play the i spy game in the car to find big trees, tall buildings, giant trucks, big clouds, lellow busses :) He is my target buddy to get popcorn and soda while mom walks around and browses all the fun house decorations and cute cloths (window shopping is my favorite) haha! He is my snuggle bug who always wants you to "Hold you" in his words! He is my jokester who likes to make mom laugh! He always laughs at me too! (We get along very well) He LOVES to scare blake by roaring like a lion. i hate it hahah! But i can't forget it! He loves to read stories at night! Green eggs and ham (Hams), and Are you my mother are his favorite books! He has now changed to a big boy bed because he had to once we moved (we couldn't pack his crib in the car). He has done really good with the change! His FAVORITE food is grilled cheese! Seriously it is all he wants. Oh and his Dino Eggs which is just oatmeal with candy dino eggs in them! He would rather play with kids older than him not sure why but he gets along better with them rather than kids his age. He is quick to give me kisses and hugs when im sad or hurt. He pushes my buttons ALL the time but he is just so darn cute its hard to not forgive him! Cade you are my angle, my best friend, my first born, my little piece of heaven, and a blessing from my Father in Heaven. You bring SO much light into our lives and I couldn't imagine life with out you! Thanks for being the best little stinker 2 year old ever! Mom, Dad and Blake Love you so very much!
Seasonal Recipes To Cook in April
4 hours ago