So for all of you who have known about my problems I have been having these past few weeks, I am doing better and better each day, but still waiting for all my results to come back. For those of you who don't know I have been in the hospital and have been out for a week now, trying to recover. I have been having problems passing out for no reason and it had gotten so bad I had to rush to the ER. From that point I have been through MANY tests and they still are trying to figure it out. My doctor said " I really love solving puzzles, and this one I can't solve and it is really frustrating". It was really funny. They have me on medicine now and I will be A okay in no time! Lets just cross our fingers they will find out soon so i can MOVE ON!! Its almost like my life has been on hold and I can't drive or be by myself... Its so annoying. Well I just have to say thank you to all of you who prayed and fasted for me.. You guys truly are amazing! My family has been such an amazing support. Thank you thank you thank you! Mom, Dad, The Cannons, my sisters, and brothers! Even some of my friends!!! THANK YOU!! My sweet husband Brady is the best guy in the world! He had to do so much for me along with school... I love him and am so lucky to have someone who cares for me more than I could even explain!
Having to deal with all of this has given me a lot of time to sit and do absolutely nothing considering I couldn't even walk for two week, but to sit and to think about my life... How grateful i am to have the gospel. I feel so lucky to have this in my and for it to be the main focus on everything i do. It overrides all of my stress and worries about medical bills, work, teaching, not having enough free time, etc..... Life is about trials and working through them. I have made a goal to serve as much as i can and to STOP worrying about the things in life that DON'T matter. The Gospel, my husband Brady and our life together, and family. This is what life is really about. Its all about service and love and becoming like Christ. I try really hard to keep that in mind and all my worries seem to fade! How happy i am to know these things and to try and stay positive!
Again Thank you EVERYONE for all of your love and support!! It has helped me so much! I couldn't have done it with out you!!!!
Love Michelle
Irish Soda Bread Scones
22 hours ago
Your so cute Michelle!! We all hope the Docs figure this out so you can move on with your life and live a healthy lifestyle. You are in our prayers and I just love you to death!!
I showed my kids the picture of you on Heather's blog a couple of weeks ago so they know who they're praying for :) we're still praying for you! Way to stay positive :)
p.s. i forgot to write that that was me, cousin Becky, and not "someone" :)
Hope you are still feeling better Michelle!
Oh my goodness. I had no idea, Michelle. I am so sorry. I have had a very MINOR similar thing to what you're dealing with. How frustrating. I hope the docs figure this out. We will keep you in our prayers. We love you.
hope everything gets better and you're ok! xoxo
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