Baby is growing and I'm starting to see it now. So is my sweet husband!

I have thrown up to many times to count. I'm finally starting to feel better and I keep telling myself that the hardest is almost over! Food is a battle and sometimes i just can't eat. But i have to.. I really like these and also eggs and toast! I eat these almost every day!

I haven't been tired which is good. I have been able to run still (at like a mile an hour) which also makes me feel better everyday. I really don't mind if it's a boy or girl because I want both and I plan on many more kids in the future! I am emotional all the time! I cried the other day because I was the only one who didn't win an all a dollar bath soap at a shower... So my mom gave me hers! Bless her heart! Im Stupid!

I love my baby so much that is growing so rapidly inside of my tummy! Nothing excites me more than knowing that my eternal family is growing and that god has blessed Brady and I I with this perfect little child that we get to raise and love on this earth and to teach (he/she) about the gospel! Trust me I am worried everyday hoping that I will be a good mom! I am grateful that pregnancy is 9 months because that is good time to prepare!
"God never said life would be easy, he said it would be worth it"

I love that quote so much because I apply it to everything! Such as my pregnancy! It hasn't been easy, but it's been worth every minute of it!