Wow our Cade is 8 months old!!!
Where does time go? It needs to stop because we can't get enough of him and is amazingly happy, cheerful, loving personality! We love you Cade.
7+8 Months old...
Army crawling EVERYWHERE
Got his bottom 2 teeth at 7 months
Loves to scream (its a happy, loud, having fun kind of scream)
says dadada mamama and all the other cute little noises
is still me great sleeper at nights but stinker for naps on most days
still has problems pooping poor guy:(
loves playing with his toys
loves to pull all the shoes of the shoe rack
pulls him self up on things now
loves to do (sooooo big) by putting his hands up hi in the air
eats like a champ!
loves his puff treats. he could eat them all day!
seriously he is always laughing at everything
had the flu for the first time
likes his new sippy cup
Grandma got married to Gary
loves the peek a boo book (farm animals)
LOVES the tub. I can't even describe how much he loves it
had his first Christmas and was NOT scared of Santa like most babies are hahah
loves to balance on his head (yoga pose)
went sledding for the first time hahah he was freezing
stayed home with mom while dad went to all his school interviews (we are moving to Florida in May)
Oh we love all the fun stages of our sweet boy! We love you Cado bug!